The EuroCore consortium gathers institutions from western (France; Germany), northern (Finland), eastern (Estonia), and southern (Spain) Europe where mining, teaching and research activities are well developed. It was decided to unite our experiences and strengths in order to deliver a common task force enabling to share and improve in situ geochemical investigation expertise, database management and student training modules.
It involves partners from the three end-members of the knowledge triangle:
- Education through Lorraine University (particularly with the French national geosciences engineering school (ENSG) and the geosciences department of the University, Nancy, France), Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) and Madrid polytechnic school (UPM, Spain
- Research through the Finnish geological survey (GTK), the Lorraine University (GeoRessources laboratory),
- and Industry through the CREGU (Nancy, France) and Fraunhofer (Germany) companies.
For more information about the partners involved in the project, please visit their respective websites: