The second steering committee of the EuroCore project gathered all the partners at the Fraunhofer Development Center for X-ray Technology (EZRT), Fürth, Germany.
The project progress has been discussed regarding the preliminary advancement schedule at this meeting and new milestones have been proposed for the year to come. A part of the meeting was also dedicated to visit X-ray tomography imagery facilities developed at the Fraunhofer Development Center for X-ray Technology.
The Fraunhofer partners are warmly thanked for welcoming this fruitful meeting which contributed to share experiences and discuss about the future to come of the EuroCore project.
The next steering committee of the EuroCore project will take place at Tallinn, Estonia, and will be organized most probably by the beginning of October 2018 by the Tallinn University of Technology.

Partners of the EuroCore project gathered at the Fraunhofer Development Center for X-ray Technology, March 27th 2018, Fürth, Germany